2/6/17: Hey guys, Tuesday’s page is gonna be delayed, I managed to get food poisoning or a stomach flu or something so I’m not in great shape! Sorry!
Co-starring Joyous the Whale and Tentickles~
Sticks and stones and puns and bones!
2/6/17: Hey guys, Tuesday’s page is gonna be delayed, I managed to get food poisoning or a stomach flu or something so I’m not in great shape! Sorry!
Co-starring Joyous the Whale and Tentickles~
Oh gosh, that puppet man–that THING–is a MONSTER.
Well now we know who’s next…
At first, I read that as ‘Gallows of Whimsy.’
Though, judging by how this guy is acting, that may still be a possibility.
-RU =)
From the title, it sounds terrible. Bring it on!
What a horrible punishment. You’re a MONSTER Patchverk, you’re a monster…
Maybe when he get’s booed too, he’ll realise the show sucked, not him.
Dear God, the ship’s smile…! That’s the stuff of NIGHTMARES!
whale not found
A fate worse than death.
I see a few options for this:
Gramps is tied up and has no action the entire time, and then gets booed by everyone.
Gramps swears and cusses, and gets booed
And my favorite:
Gramps, out of spite, pulls off an absolutely enthralling act and gets cheered, becoming the new king of the patch lands.
He probably will challenge Patchverk to an old timey equivalent of a Rap Battle.
Just saying
I mean, I expected him to be tortured. Just not like this.
Ah, the Vogon Poetry torture method.
I expect to see some elements of the Klingon opera as well. Is that too high a price for stardom?
this isnt quite as bad.
Sounds like a story with the thematic complexity of moby dick. And it also has a whale.
Fifty years is the maximum shelf life for most whimsical galleons. #Stumpfact
Still better than the Duke’s poetry
Smiles and waves boys, smiles and waves…
-RU =)
Lightbringer called
He wants his penguins back
I can’t help but think something REALLY horrible is going to happen during this play