10/24/16: Just a quick update to let you guys know I’ll have two pages up for Friday!! Sorry, I’ve been running late on things!
So hey the PDF for my monster gal book Frighting Fists is on sale on my Itch.io for the rest of this month, for $3.33 instead of the usual $5! Please check it out!
$100 on the crown being the real king and another $20 on it being the box he sprang out of instead
£40 on the king being a figure head and the real king a huge giant operating Odwolfe from underneath the stage
7000 yen on that giant being a colossal skeleton controlled by Boneburn and the real Odwolfe has been dead for a long time without anyone in Knick Knack Canyon knowing, not even the princess.
You could say he’s a puppet king
On the next paige the quotebox seems to consistently point to his forehead. I think it’s plausible.
I want that crown!
…for reasons.
Do I spot a JJBA reference in that cheering crowd? A certain Killer Queen?
He just wants a quiet life.
thats sheer heart attack no weakness to you
He uses essentia in the shape of Dynamite With A Laser Beam
that killer queen though
Can clearly tell the crown is the true mastermind because of its face and Patchverk’s face in Panel 4
That song will be stuck in my head all day now -.-
Doesn’t it look like Valencia is getting stabbed by needles? A pin cushion, I guess…
It’s a shoulder pad that is fluffy and 10 inches thick.
Kind of heard to hear notifications through it.
Probably would work to keep a laptop safe though
…and now I’m caught up. And lovin’ every panel. Thanks to the author for inviting us along on such a wonderful adventure.
A STUPENDOUS adventure.
You keep saying stupendous, I do not think that word means what you think it means
Any day there isn’t a kingdom wide revolt is a great day. Stupendous is when he manages to get good PR for once.