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Next panel: all tendrils are pointing at the toilet


Oh hey, I keep forgetting to mention I set up an for digital books! I’ll be adding more later but for now I’ve got the new monster gal fighting game manual I did up there! Please check it out!

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that’s the…………….

dammit does anyone have a map? Or at least payed attention to any details that may have been dropped?

Canopy Woods is to the far south, with Cascadia being a fair bit north and Dynamo Funnel (here) is to the west. Knick Knack canyon is some distance away, but its unclear how far exactly (a few days at least, so we’re probably in the outermost large city in the DF). Chillderness and Glimmer Peak are both far, far to the north, and I don’t know where Menagerie Valley is. What’s interesting is that since the Parchlands are next to Cascadia and the Canopy Woods, that suggests Knick-Knack Canyon is closer to Cascadia than to the Dynamo Funnel. This in turn suggests that Knick Knack canyon is a moderate distance away to the northwest assuming that it is at the edge of the Parchlands.
Menagerie Valley is probably either to the far south or far northwest/east, bordering either with the Canopy Woods or bordering with Chillderness/Glimmer Peaks.

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