Page 506
Dang Elmsly, your photographic memory be impressing everyone like WHAAAAT
Sticks and stones and puns and bones!
Dang Elmsly, your photographic memory be impressing everyone like WHAAAAT
Kymirus understands english, he just chooses not to learn how to speak it cuz HE DOESN’T CARE Also! Got an announcement! I’m now on Patreon! Please check it out if you have a chance and consider supporting me, it’ll help me keep doing this stuff and get other projects off the ground! Thanks so much!
No, Cinnabar is not a fan of riddles, nor Arcanines.
Aurora and Glamrock are very rowdy party guests.
Finally, some SOUND, NON-CRAZY logic. Also, first update of 2017! Have two pages cuz I ran behind on Tuesday :’)
Perfectly good reasons, all around!
The second she leaves the chamber, Moana starts breaking glass bulbs and doing wicked skateboard tricks without a helmet. Terrence’s heart pops. THE END