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TOKI WO T–nah that’s not what they’re doing.
Sticks and stones and puns and bones!
TOKI WO T–nah that’s not what they’re doing.
The GRAVITY of this situation sure is setting in YUK YUK YUK
The following 30 strips will be reruns of Hey Vern, It’s Ernest!
D’awwwww~ Just a heads up, there might not be an update Friday, Thursday and Friday I’ve got to drive people to medical appointments that are a good ways away from my house, so I don’t know how much work I’m gonna get done. I’ll try to make it happen!
Five hundred and eighteen pages later What took you so long?
10/24/16: Just a quick update to let you guys know I’ll have two pages up for Friday!! Sorry, I’ve been running late on things! TO DEFEAT~ THE PUNS~ So hey the PDF for my monster gal book Frighting Fists is on sale on my for the rest of this month, for $3.33 instead of… Continue reading Page 526
Bramble’s ready to up the age rating on this broadcast
Finally, some SOUND, NON-CRAZY logic. Also, first update of 2017! Have two pages cuz I ran behind on Tuesday :’)
Perfectly good reasons, all around!
[END TRANSMISSION] We’re back! Sorry, it’s been a rough month between the stomach flu and heavier hours at my job. We’re getting back on track though! This chapter doesn’t have too much longer to go so strap yourselves in!