Hey guys! I know there’s been a lot of radio silence and I apologize for that. I had to take a bit of a break, been dealing with a lot of stress on a personal level that’s been affecting my ability to focus on writing, and had some secret projects to juggle as well as some freelance stuff I needed to get a leg up on because, well, it actually pays. :’) Anyways I’m in a better headspace than I was, I’m winding down on a few things now so I should be resuming updates by the end of July, everything willing. In the meantime you can check my twitter for status updates, and if you’re at all interested in seeing little peeks at other junk I’ve been working on, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Thanks again, and I’ll see you soon!
1 Comment
That’s good to hear! I’ll be excited when it comes back, but you gotta do what you gotta do.