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“Also, who’s to say you whether or not you’d catch fire on the way there?”
Sticks and stones and puns and bones!
“Also, who’s to say you whether or not you’d catch fire on the way there?”
TIME FOR A SPOOKY BREAK!!!! Hope you guys have a great Halloween!!! As for our lil webcomic friends, here’s what they decided to dress as this year! Glenn – Jotaro Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Glade – Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Elmsly and Stump – Papyrus and Sans (Undertale) Baron Von Boneburn – Skull Face… Continue reading HAPPY HALLOWEEEEN
5/7/16 – We’ll be back on Tuesday, guys! I spent most of the week finishing a last minute TCAF project and I’m still kinda stressed about health stuff so I wore myself out :’). I promise we’ll be back to normal soon! *80’s shopping mall jingle here* We’re back! Between a week long internet outage… Continue reading Page 485
5-19-16: Hey all! Just wanted to let you all know I need to push the next update ’til next Tuesday, I’m taking an extended rest post-TCAF because my body was not doing nice things to me up in Canada and I’m trying to get it to calm down so I can actually concentrate on work.… Continue reading Page 486
Sometime in the future, Clockwise realizes the internet was a mistake. And we’re back! Thanks to everyone who came by during TCAF last weekend! It was my first time exhibiting and I had a lot of fun and I was really humbled to meet a bunch of you folks! I put up the remaining monster… Continue reading Page 487
SING ALONG Sorry for the late update, the gastric issues I’ve been having this past month got really bad following an endoscopy on wednesday and I had to deal with two days of fire gut :’) I’m waiting on biopsy results to see what’s the deal down there, but in the meantime please bear with… Continue reading Page 488
And now for an encore performance of “Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer True.” Sorry about missing Tuesday, all! Things have been kind of off and on health-wise this whole week. I’ve been feeling sort of better the past couple days so hopefully it means my body’s almost done being stupid. See y’all on Tuesday!
Those eyes must be a hoot at parties.
Look, EVERYTHING’S ALIVE ACCORDING TO PIXAR Kirby Planet Robobot is out today, there goes my whole weekend! SEE YA TUESDAY