Page 393
Oh, right.
Sticks and stones and puns and bones!
Oh, right.
“Oh sorry I just thought of a really funny youtube video I saw the other day.”
Spoken like a true Harvest Moon player
Put the petal to the metal
Glenn, you are not Mario.
d a w n o f t h e t h i r d d a y
I’m not gonna take this sitting d–wait
I can’t shake the feeling we’ve seen this guy before! HMMM End of chapter and 400 pages! Thanks for your support!!
Hello!!! It’s been a while!!!! Let’s get back to the little shrub child, shall we? Also a heads up if you’re in the NYC area this weekend, I’ll be at Carmine Street Comics on Saturday from 2pm-6pm doing a signing! I’ll have BTC books and some other stuff!
Today Glenn will be going back to the Bowser’s Time Machine Another reminder that this Saturday I’ll be at Carmine Street Comics in NYC from 2pm – 6pm! If you’re in the area stop on by!!